Gerd Ludwig Photography

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"Winds of Change" Presentation at Annenberg Space for Photography

Gerd Ludwig will share his experiences capturing the colossal changes since the dissolution of the Soviet Union to today. Resonating with a full scale of emotion, his images have garnered him distinction as the world’s foremost color photographer documenting the region. From the broken empire’s legacy of environmental exploitation, to the warp-speed economic transformation of Russia, Ludwig reveals a many-faceted people, by turns suspicious and sympathetic, greedy and generous, stoic and exuberant. The presentation will span his coverage from early work published in National Geographic to more recent stories in Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. After first photographing the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster for National Geographic in 1993, he returned several times. Recently he ventured deeper into the failed reactor than ever before and returned with haunting images, which will be part of his presentation and an upcoming monograph, The Long Shadow of Chernobyl.

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